IHE Initiative gets more and more widespread in Europe and all over the world as can testify some articles in the press
In the context of IRISA/INRIA activities, the IHE Development team was presented in few articles:
- Vers une meilleure interopérabilité des systèmes médicaux, February 2007
- Améliorer l’interopérabilité des matériels médicaux, Industrie/Logiciels/Brevets, INédit 63
As the online resource for senior management in hospital across Europe, had the occasion to present IHE Initiative:IHE goes international, Friday 4th April 2008
Providing technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information, ScienceDirect presented IHE Initiative work and experiences in Europe:Extending the IHE initiative to Europe: experiences, International Congress Series, Volume 1256,
June 2003,
Pages 903-909
CARS 2003. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress and Exhibition
Espace des Sciences
As an association of the 1901 law, l'Espace des Sciences is a regional center of scientific, technological and industrial culture created in Rennes in 1984.In its purpose of sharing the benefits of scientific knowledge, it published few articles about IHE Development activities and Personal Medical Repository in Rennes:
- Équipement médicaux : vive la connectivité!, Le connectathon européen est organisé par un Rennais, Sciences Ouest n°223, July-August 2005
- Le Dossier médical personnel s'écrit à Rennes, Etiam a testé son logiciel au connectathon, Sciences Ouest n°223, July-August 2005
Imaging Management
Imaging Management is a paper dedicated in the European Imaging Initiative. It deals with many fields of the domain such as Radiology, Cardiology, Intervention, Surgery, IT Management, Economy or Technology.In this context, IHE Initiative was presented through an Interview with Prof. Eric Poiseau (Volume 6 Issue 5, November-December 2006, p.47).